MRGC General Meeting

The Maplewood Rock and Gem Club General Members meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month year round.

Meetings begin with general business, followed by a rock of the month presentation, or a guest speaker.  Each meeting has a show and tell portion and concludes with refreshments, a silent auction and time to socialize. The perfect time to ask questions, tell stories, discuss events and activities and make new friends.

Presentation Calendar (2025)

January: Birthstones and Folklore of Rocks – with Chris Huffines (member)

February: Septarian Nodules – with Jay Hester (member)

March: Rock Identification – with Don Wilcox

April: Jade – with Don Wilcox (member)

May: TBD

June: TBD

July: TBD

August: TBD

September: TBD

October: TBD

November: TBD

December: TBD

Presentation Calendar (2024)

September : Petrified Wood: Our Ancient Forests – with Rick Osborne

October: How to design a rock display for a show – with Scott Smith (from the west seattle club)

November: Wonderful world of Obsidian – with Bruce Samuels

December: ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – with Santa

MRGC General Meeting

The Maplewood Rock and Gem Club General Members meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month year round.

Meetings begin with general business, followed by a rock of the month presentation, or a guest speaker.  Each meeting has a show and tell portion and concludes with refreshments, a silent auction and time to socialize. The perfect time to ask questions, tell stories, discuss events and activities and make new friends.


Juniors: 5:30 pm

General Meeting: 7:00pm


Maplewood Rock and Gem Club
8802 196th St SW
Edmonds, WA 98026

What to Bring:

Snacks– to share for social time

  • (Odd Months = A – M)
  • (Even Months = N – Z)

Cash/Card – the silent auction has some great items, dont miss out by forgetting funds!

Yourself – most important part!

Presentation Calendar (2025)

January: Birthstones and Folklore of Rocks – with Chris Huffines (member)

February: Septarian Nodules – with Jay Hester (member)

March: Rock Identification – with Don Wilcox (member)

April: Jade – with Don Wilcox (member)

May: TBD

June: TBD

July: TBD

August: TBD

September: TBD

October: TBD

November: TBD

December: TBD

Presentation Calendar (2024)

September : Petrified Wood: Our Ancient Forests – with Rick Osborne

October: How to design a rock display for a show – with Scott Smith (from the west seattle club)

November: Wonderful world of Obsidian – with Bruce

December: TBD

Interested in Presenting? Please let someone know!