MRGC Lapidary Shop
The club maintains a small lapidary shop for the use of members only. Five slab saws, three CabKing™ units for cutting cabochons and two trim saws are available to members who sign up and are willing to follow.
All new shop users must complete an orientation on shop procedures and safety prior to using the shop. Please contact shop@maplewoodrockclub.com for information.
To encourage lapidary artists from the novice to the “expert,” our shop is currently open on Thursdays and the first and third Wednesdays for two sessions:
First session: 3:00 to 5:30 pm
Second session: 5:30 to 8:00 pm
Users are required to:
- Sign up for a particular date and time.
- Provide your own apron, gloves, ear covering or other personal items.
- Wipe all used equipment down before leaving the shop.
- Pay $10.00 for each session (cash or check).
- Fees will be collected if you fail to cancel your session less than 48 hours ahead.
A Shop Steward will be present at all times to assist users, check saws before all cuts and encourage lapidarists in their work.